BC Hydro – Forms & Guides: Residential connections, Multi-dwelling, commercial and industrial connections, Major customer load interconnections (greater than 5MW), Requirements for customer-owned primary services supplied at 4 kV to 35 kV, Generator interconnections, Revenue metering requirements
BC Hydro – Requirements for Secondary Voltage Revenue Metering (750V and less)
BC Hydro – Distribution Technical Standards and Guides
BC Hydro – Industrial Equipment Reference Guides
EIABC – Community Resource Links
AutoCAD Electrical, Autodesk 2D and 3D Design and Engineering Software: Get a free 12-month license of Autodesk products for students.
Visual Lighting Design Software, Visual, Interior Tool: Lumen Method Tool to quickly design and analyze simple interior lighting to produce uniform horizontal illuminance.
Ouellet Electric Heating, Heat Loss Calculator: The heat loss calculator will help you determine approximately how much power is needed to heat each room individually. Just fill in the appropriate boxes, and the result in kilowatts will help you choose the space heater best suited to your needs.
EEP – Electrical Engineering Portal, Electrical Tools (MS Excel Spreadsheets): This section is dedicated to tools every electrical engineer can use in daily work. These spreadsheets below will make your job much more easier, allowing you to shorten the time used for endless calculations of cables, voltage drop, various selections of circuit breakers, capacitors, cable size and so on.
All About Circuits – Engineering Calculators
Intertek: Testing, inspecting and certifying products